Term of Use Romeo Shipping - Romeo Shipping

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Terms of Use

- Use of this site is entirely at your own risk.
Romeo Shipping srl cannot guarantee that the site does not contain bugs, viruses or errors that can somehow be reflected on your computer.      

- Romeo Shipping srl owns all intellectual property rights relating to this site.
Nothing can be copied without written confirmation from Romeo Shipping srl.

-  All trademarks, registered trademarks and product information contained on this site are the property of their respective owners.

- All information on this site is subject to change without notice.
Romeo Shipping srl cannot guarantee that all the information contained on this site is up to date at the date of the consultation, although every effort is made to ensure the updating of the data.

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A cookie allows you not to re-enter information each time you visit the site. The computer allows you to block cookies, even if this could cause an incorrect display of some pages.

- There may be links to sites controlled by third parties.
Romeo Shipping srl cannot be held responsible in any case for the content present in one of these sites.
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Romeo Shipping Srl |P.IVA 0536 701 0872 |
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